Health and Productivity Management

Terumo recognizes that healthy associates are crucial to sustainable growth. As a company that contributes to healthcare, we believe it is important to protect the health of our own associates. With Terumo’s management having committed their support to Kenko Keiei*(health and productivity management), the company undertakes various initiatives to encourage keen health awareness among individual associates.
- *“Kenko Keiei”, the Japanese term for “health and productivity management”, is a registered trademark of the Workshop for the Management of Health on Company and Employee, a nonprofit organization. Terumo endorses its principal aims as a supporting member of this organization.
The Kenko Keiei System
To promote “Kenko Keiei,” we have formed a team, with members drawn from across Terumo Group companies in Japan, to work with the Terumo Health Insurance Society to undertake “collabo-health”* initiatives. In addition, led by a supervising corporate physician, corporate physicians, nurses, public health nurses, and other corporate health staff deployed to individual business locations share information on “Kenko Keiei” directions for Group companies in Japan, and on common initiatives and best practices.
Initiatives undertaken through collaboration between company management and the Terumo Health Insurance Society.
Terumo “Kenko Keiei” Promotion Team

Basic Approach and Major Initiatives
At Terumo, we will analyze past diagnostic results and medical expenses data to set policies and formulate annual action plans to be implemented at all Group companies in Japan. Initiatives based on policies and plans are advanced, and their results are quantitatively and qualitatively verified on an annual basis. In addition, internal Kenko Keiei surveys are conducted to incorporate associate input and needs into a Kenko Keiei PDCA (plan-do-check-act) cycle.
For example, the Company, its health insurance society, and industrial health staff collaborate to provide associates with health checkup opportunities, hold seminars and health-oriented events, and offer financial assistance to promote prevention, early detection, and early treatment. In addition, health guidance is provided to individual associates and their families.
Efforts on Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Support

Refer to our Terumo Report ESG section for the policies and initiatives in Japan
Workplace Support for Associates Diagnosed with Cancer
Terumo launched a new cancer employment support system in January 2017 to enable associates diagnosed with cancer to continue to working while being treated.
Use of expired paid leave | Expired paid leave may be used one day at a time. |
Unpaid leave | Associates may take as many days as needed, but no more than 30 consecutive days. |
Unpaid working hour reductions | Working hours may be reduced by up to 2 hours per day. |
Staggered working hours | Adjustment of daily starting and finishing times by up to 2 hours. |
Note: Applies to all Terumo associates, regardless of years on the job.
External Recognition
Terumo has been selected by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for inclusion in the Health & Productivity Stock Selection* for seven consecutive years since fiscal 2014. Terumo has also been included in the Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management - White 500 selection for five consecutive years since fiscal 2016.
- *This stock selection, determined jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, is intended to spotlight companies in which management addresses employee health as a matter of strategic importance. Updated just once a year, the Health & Productivity Stock Selection is chosen from among companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, with only one company selected from each industry segment.
Major Kenko Keiei Selections, Certifications, and Awards
- Health & Productivity Stock Selection (Seven consecutive years from fiscal 2014)
- Excellent Enterprise of Health and Productivity Management—White 500 (Five consecutive years from fiscal 2016)
- Tokyo Sports Promotion Company (Eight consecutive years from fiscal 2015)
- Sports Yell Company (Six consecutive years from fiscal 2017)
- Cancer Prevention Partner Award (Encouragement of Cancer Treatment While Working Category)(fiscal 2017) and Cancer Prevention Partner Award (Cancer Screening Category) (fiscal 2019), Action Plan for Companies Promoting Cancer Prevention, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
- Award of Excellence, Awards for Companies Supporting Cancer Patients in Receiving Cancer Treatment While Working, Tokyo Metropolitan Government (fiscal 2017)
- Yamaguchi Prefecture governor’s award for excellent enterprises in health and productivity management, Terumo Yamaguchi Corp. (fiscal 2017)
- Sukoyaka Yamanashi 21 health promotion award, Terumo Corporation’s Kofu Factory (fiscal 2018)
Global Health Promotion Activities
The Terumo Group aims to empower all associates in their work and have them share the same values through working at the Group. We are advancing global wellness programs with this goal. By learning from initiatives implemented worldwide and making progress together, we are fostering a sense of solidarity among Group associates. In 2020, we prepared a shared global common tagline, “Your Health, Your Happiness, Our Priority,” and logo for internal use, and designated five shared themes which we recognize as being particularly important. This tagline encapsulates the shared desire of associates and the entire Terumo Group to protect the health of all associates.