Basic stance on intellectual management
The Terumo Group strives to create intellectual property that will help strengthen its competitiveness. In doing so, we establish a priority for allocating resources, based on R&D and business strategies. Development directions are considered and intellectual property portfolios are built from a strategic perspective. In this perspective, development and intellectual property departments initiate development activities by collaborating in identifying other companies’ patents and the characteristics of their products and services. As we expand our business operations globally, we are strengthening cooperation with overseas Group companies to further the effective application of the Group’s intellectual property and taking steps to improve our management of intellectual property risk.
Patent Portfolio
Patent Applications (by segment)*
In fiscal 2020, Terumo filed 461 patent applications filed in the first country), with 65% related to existing businesses, and 35% related to new areas not associated with evident businesses. From these figures, it is evident that Terumo continues to enhance and improve existing products while also actively pursuing investments for future business expansion and new endeavors.
Patent Applications

Patents Held (by segment)*
As of March 31, 2021, Terumo held approximately 5,900 patents issued in Japan and abroad. Patents related to existing businesses account for a relatively high 87% of the total, with patents related to new areas making up the remaining 13%. Reflected here is the impact of Terumo's earnings cycle, in which technology for "Advanced" products is also applied in "Platform" products. Even as we develop inventions in new fields, we use what we newly create to contribute to the businesses that comprise our existing operations. Patents held in Japan currently represent 41% of our patent portfolio, while patents held overseas represent 59%, illustrating an increase in overseas patents focused on those supporting overseas operations.
Patents Held

- *
Does not include patent applications or patents held by overseas subsidiaries.