Terumo strives to be a reliable healthcare company worldwide and promote corporate activities under the group mission of “Contributing to Society through Healthcare” and the “Terumo Group Code of Conduct.” The “Terumo Group Code of Conduct” defines the principles of behavior to follow so that all associates, including directors, officers, and employees of Terumo, will act with high ethics. Based on this Code of Conduct, Terumo pursues quality, a stable supply of goods and services to be procured, and fair and ethical dealings.
The “Terumo Group Code of Conduct” also indicates Terumo’s standard of how to interact with business partners, including suppliers, and expectations of suppliers as part of responsible corporate activities. In order to ensure we achieve these goals, Terumo established the “Terumo Group Procurement Policy,” which is the basic approach for Terumo procurement activities, and “Supplier Guidelines,” which are guidelines for suppliers. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and cooperation.
Terumo Group Identity
Terumo Group Procurement Policy
Terumo Corporation and Terumo Group (hereafter "Terumo") conduct the following procurement activity in accordance with "Terumo Code of Conduct", based on Terumo’s group mission "Contributing to Society through Healthcare."
1.Quality, Safety
Terumo endeavors to procure goods, services, etc with proper quality and safety in order to offer high-quality products and services for healthcare professionals and their patients around the world.
2.Stable Procurement
Terumo strive to ensure stable, timely and uninterrupted delivery of high-quality products. Terumo therefore endeavors to realize stable procurement by being prepared for emergency situations with suppliers.
3.Promotion of Compliance
Terumo complies with Terumo Group Code of Conduct, laws and regulations, and company rules through procurement activity.
4.Fair Procurement
Terumo pursues fair dealings with high ethics as a healthcare company. It has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption. Terumo also does not select or remove particular suppliers for improper reasons. The particular suppliers include, but are not limited to, companies owned by minorities, women, people with disabilities, LGBT - lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, veterans, or located in historically underdeveloped areas, or small businesses.
5.Consideration for Human Rights and Environment
Terumo addresses respect of human rights, safety and health, and environmental protection through procurement activity.
6.Mutual Prosperity based on Reliability with Suppliers
Terumo endeavors to enable coexistence and co-prosperity through mutual trust with suppliers that respect this policy and follow "Supplier Guideline"
Supplier Guidelines
Terumo has established "Supplier Guidelines", which are requirements for suppliers reflected in Terumo Group Code of Conduct. These guidelines are composed of 7 chapters. Where Terumo enters into a contract with a supplier or Terumo issues a Purchase Order to supplier, the relationship will be governed by agreed terms and conditions. In addition, the supplier shall comply with the requirements of this guideline.
- Quality, Safety
- Stable Supply
- Promotion of Compliance
- Fair Dealings
- Consideration for Human Rights for Labor
- Consideration for Environment
- Management Systems
Terumo Integrity Helpline
If any of our business partners get aware of a situation that may involve a breach of law or of the Terumo Group Code of Conduct or any other serious and severe wrongdoing arises, please report to the Terumo Integrity Helpline.
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