Code of Conduct for the Terumo Group
Internal Control System Design Basic Policy
Terumo Corporate Governance Guidelines
Terumo Group Sustainability Policy
Terumo Group EHS Policy
Terumo Group Human Rights Policy
DE&I Philosophy and Guiding Principle
Basic Policy on Tax
Terumo Group’s corporate mission is "Contributing to Society through Healthcare". Guided by this mission, Terumo Group conducts business based on strict legal compliance and corporate ethics and aims to achieve sustainable growth, maximize long-term corporate value and meet the expectations of its worldwide stakeholders. In conformity with its corporate mission, Terumo Group takes the following actions in conducting tax management.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Terumo Group complies with international taxation rules, such as the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, and the laws of all countries in which it conducts business activities to maintain tax compliance.
Proper Tax Payment
Terumo Group, as a responsible corporate citizen, aims to contribute to society by properly paying taxes in the countries where Terumo Group conducts business activities.
Terumo Group discloses tax related information appropriately to relevant parties such as tax authorities, shareholders, and the communities of each country to ensure transparency in taxation practices in aiming to be a highly socially responsible corporation.
Relationship with the Tax Authorities
Terumo Group constructs and maintains appropriate relationships with the tax authorities where Terumo Group conducts business activities and does not attempt to obtain unfair benefits from the tax authorities.
Tax Planning
Terumo Group does not implement tax planning that is not in line with business substance and/or is intended to avoid taxes
Corporate Value
Through above tax management, Terumo Group ensures that an appropriate tax burden is borne while maximizing its corporate value.