- Compliance System
- Anti-bribery and corruption
- Prohibition of Collusion and Cartels
- Whistle-blowing System
- Terumo Integrity Helpline
- Combating Anti-social Forces
- Appropriate Relationships with Healthcare Professionals
- Making the Relationship between Corporate Activities and Medical Institutions Transparent
Compliance System
At Terumo, the Internal Control Committee, which is responsible for enacting the Internal Control System within the Terumo Group in accordance with the "Internal Control System Design Basic Policy" approved by the Board of Directors, shall deliberate and make decisions regarding important policies related to compliance, and regularly report the status of these activities to the Board of Directors and Audit and Supervisory Committee. The Chief Legal Officer (CLO), in cooperation with the compliance officers of the Terumo Group companies who are in charge of promoting compliance related activities, promote a variety of measures including creating related rules, performing training and education, and monitoring to quickly discover and ascertain compliance issues. In the event that any significant compliance violations, etc. occur, a handling team shall be immediately organized under the direction of the chairperson of the Internal Control Committee, and that team shall, in addition to handling and resolving the occurrence, report and make proposals to the Internal Control Committee regarding the cause and recurrence prevention measures.
Anti-bribery and corruption
All Terumo associates observe the "Terumo Group Code of Conduct" and the "Group Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy" in all dealings with public institutions, related officials and the employees of public medical institutions. These codes aim to ensure that all business is conducted in a transparent, fair, and honest manner. Full compliance is expected under Japan's Unfair Competition Prevention Act, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and other anti-bribery laws within the countries and regions where Terumo Group operates.
Those efforts will not be successful by ourselves only, and cooperation from business partners is essential. Therefore, Terumo has established "Terumo Global Third Party Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Policy" for the business partners who has necessity to cooperate, and is requesting the business partners to comply with the policy.
Prohibition of Collusion and Cartels
In recent years, the anti-competitive practices such as collusion, action as a cartel, or other kinds of violations of competition laws have been uncovered and subjected to strict punishment. To help ensure that it does not contribute to such activities, Terumo established the "Group Antitrust Policy" in January 2015. In addition, the Terumo Group conducts cartel prevention training for associates in Japan and overseas in a Group-wide effort to maintain free and fair competition.
Whistle-blowing System
It is critical that compliance concerns are properly addressed and necessary actions, such as investigation and remediation, are timely taken. This is why Terumo has made it clear, by Terumo Group Code of Conduct and "Group Compliance Violations Reporting and Anti-Retaliation Policy", that any associate may raise compliance concerns to anyone within the company, including his/her manager, human resource function, compliance function and senior management, without a fear of retaliation. We also operate a whistle-blowing system, as an alternative avenue, by which associates may report compliance concerns outside their usual report-line. Its status is reported to the President of Terumo Corporation, the Internal Control Committee, and the Audit and Supervisory Committee, as appropriate.
Terumo Integrity Helpline
Reportable issues:
Breach of law or of the Terumo Group Code of Conduct and other serious and severe wrongdoing by any director, officer or employee of Terumo in connection with Terumo's business, products or services; and any suspicion of the foregoing. This helpline is not for other matters.
Directors, officers and employees of Terumo's business partners.
Personal information:
We will use reporters' personal information to examine, investigate and/or respond reported matters.
We may share reporters' personal information with the relevant group company(ies) for the above mentioned purposes.
This helpline can accept anonymous reports. However, we strongly advise reporters to disclose their names, contact address and employers for efficient investigation and remediation if necessary. We expect reporters to provide as much details as possible.
No retaliation:
We will not take any disadvantageous action against reporters or their companies for the reason that the reporters have reported issues to this helpline.
How to report:
- Please access "Terumo Integrity Helpline" (www.terumointegrity.com) website. This helpline accommodates multiple languages. Please choose your language on the top page.
- We may send you a message through this helpline system. In order to view the message, please access this website and input ID number and password which are issued when completing the report.
- Telephone call is also available (please see a telephone number list on this website). The operator speaks English and, for other languages, an interpreter joins (three-party call). We recommend using website.
The reputation of Terumo is built upon the actions of our business partners. If a situation that may involve a breach of law or of the Terumo Group Code of Conduct or any other serious and severe wrongdoing arises, please report to the Terumo Integrity Helpline.
Combating Anti-social Forces
Avoiding relationships with anti-social forces is one of Terumo's corporate responsibilities. We, therefore, strictly refuse to become involved in any relationship with anti-social forces and engage in no transactions with companies, other organizations, or individuals with ties to anti-social forces. Furthermore, we work with law enforcement authorities and other agencies to combat anti-social forces.
Status of Efforts to Combat Anti-social Forces
- The Corporate Affairs Dept. coordinates responses to inappropriate demands by anti-social forces, and the prevention of such inappropriate demands has been made the specific responsibility of a designated associate within the Corporate Affairs Dept.
- We have established a system for cooperating with law enforcement authorities, Tokubouren (NPO assisting companies in combating corporate blackmailers), legal advisers, and others, and acting on their advice and guidance.
- We have established a system for properly sharing information on anti-social forces with the groups mentioned above, and centrally managing it in the Corporate Affairs Dept.
- We have prepared the Manual for Combating Anti-Social Forces and are promoting thorough understanding of its contents among everyone working at Terumo.
- We provide executives and associates with relevant information in a timely manner, conduct training, and take the steps, as well, to promote awareness of the importance of combating anti-social forces.
Appropriate Relationships with Healthcare Professionals
Terumo abides by the "Fair Competition Code" of the Japan Fair Trade Council of the Medical Devices Industry, "Code of Practice" of the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, "Promotion Code" of the Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations, and other industrial regulations to ensure that it follows appropriate promotion practices for medical devices and pharmaceuticals. As there are more and more global business opportunities, we established the "Terumo Global Ethical Interactions with Healthcare Professionals Policy" based on the principles under the codes of ethics of internationally reputable industrial associations, in addition to "Terumo Code of Practice". We keep developing and improving continuous in-house education for associates in order to promote awareness and thorough understanding of appropriate relationships with Healthcare Professionals. Going forward, we will continue to abide by these guidelines and practices.
Those efforts will not be successful by ourselves only, and cooperation from business partners is essential. Therefore, Terumo has established "Terumo Global Third Party Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Policy" for the business partners who has necessity to cooperate, and is requesting the business partners to comply with the policy.
Making the Relationship between Corporate Activities and Medical Institutions Transparent
To communicate Terumo's contribution to life science and the high ethical standards with which we conduct our business activities, we formulated our "Transparency Guideline for the Relationships between Corporate Activities and Medical Institutions" and "Transparency Guideline for the Relationships between Corporate Activities and Patient Organizations."