Interventional therapy is now popular as a way to treat conditions where coronary artery or blood vessels of the lower limbs have become narrow or clogged. Such therapy is a comparatively less invasive procedure to treat patients.
Terumo has provided a range of diagnostic and therapeutic catheter products for interventional therapy since the 1980s and has been promoting new approaches. One of them is an interventional therapy known as TRI (Transradial Intervention), which involves inserting the catheter into the arteries from the patient’s wrist.
Compared to the method of accessing from the groin area, TRI requires a shorter hemostasis time, which reduces the risk of complications. It even allows some patients to walk soon after the procedure and often requires only a brief hospitalization period. While TRI has many such benefits for patients, the radial artery is narrow and those reaching the heart do not run straight. Doctors therefore need a great deal of skill to successfully carry out such procedures.
Accordingly, Terumo has been promoting the spread of TRI by actively arranging training for physicians and developing suitable products. Meanwhile, Terumo is now expanding approachable lesion areas through the wrist to the abdomen and lower limbs. Pursuing patient-friendly treatment never ends.
Interventional therapy image
Introducer sheath
Radial compression device
Some patients are faced with life-long diseases. Terumo has been supporting such patients’ everyday lives and working to improve their quality of life.
Patients living with Type I diabetes require several insulin injections every day. Terumo developed a needle with the aim of reducing their pain.
Another example is an insulin patch pump, which allows for regular insulin injections regardless of clothing or situation. This product was developed to facilitate treatment in everyday life.
For patients with chronic kidney disease, Terumo has enabled dialysis to be carried out either at home or when out and about, with a range of products for peritoneal dialysis (PD). PD has been widely adopted since it provides patients with more treatment options.
Terumo is steadfast in its dedication to providing technologies that allow everyone to live their lives just the way they choose.
Needle for pen-injector
Insulin patch pump use image in everyday life
Insulin patch pump attachment image
Thermometers – these are Terumo’s starting point and the basis of health management. Measuring body temperature regularly, not just when sick, can act as a barometer to understand our health condition. While Terumo’s thermometers have been supplied to the Japanese medical field for 100 years, they are also used widely at home. In addition to thermometers, Terumo also shares a variety of information on body temperature via the “Terumo body temperature laboratory” website. Furthermore, Terumo offers a range of urine test strips and electronic blood pressure monitors for patients suffering from lifestyle diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. For those who have trouble eating, Terumo provides condensed liquid nutrition to supplement nutrition in small portions.
In addition to treatment, staying healthy and preventing symptoms from worsening are important parts of healthcare. Terumo continues to work on a variety of initiatives that are contributing to people’s health in everyday life.
Health management at home image
Electronic blood pressure monitor
Urine test strips
Highly condensed liquid nutrition (for oral intake)